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CATEGORY: Articles

Research Assistant

Tarun kumar Penna

Sainath Yerramsetty

What To Do When You Are Being Bullied

Filed under ArticlesBlogCyber Bullying


Trying to change a bully single handedly might be a hard task to uptake, but with some help the bully might lower his shield and be more understanding towards someone (National Youth). By taking some of these tips, according to National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center, helping someone with overcoming the bully in their life …


Signs of a Bully

Filed under Aggressive BehaviorArticlesBlogBullyBullying


 “According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (DHHS) anti-bullying website, (, bullying is defined as “intentionally aggressive, usually repeated” verbal, social, or physical behavior aimed at a specific person or group of people” (Bullying Statistics 2014). These next several steps for identifying bullies are further explained from Forbes online webpage over the …

Bullying: A Significant Public Health Problem

By hendrickslavelle in ArticlesBlogBullyingPublic Health ProblemSocial AggressionVictimization


 Bullying is a significant public health problem because it is prevalent and harmful. Between 20% and 56% of young people are involved in bullying annually . Thus, in a classroom of 30 students, between 6 and 17 students are involved in bullying as a victim, perpetrator, or both (bully-victim). The specific rate of bullying victimization …


VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1, 2024

Examining the Relationships between Social Media, Cyberbullying, Self-Esteem & Fathers in College Students

This study examined the relationship between social media, cyberbullying, self-esteem and fathers among college students. The popularity of social media platforms has emerged as a leading influencer in our country. The increased prevalence and popularity of social media has been accompanied by an increase of cyberbullying among college aged students. The participants for this study completed surveys that measured their self-esteem, social media usage,
cyberbullying experience and relationship with their father. Results indicate that social media usage is prevalent among the participants. A large number of participants reported experiencing cyberbullying while in college in addition to feeling anxiety as a result of social media.

Additionally, results demonstrated a significant relationship between self-esteem and anxiety suggesting that self-esteem may serve as a buffer against the negative effects of social media. A strong relationship with father was also found to be related to higher levels of self-esteem among the college students. Lastly, the results of this study suggest the need for more parent training on issues related to bullying. Many participants did not get any advice from their parents about how to handle bullying during their childhood. Those who had received advice reported being given
ineffective strategies such as fighting back and ignoring the bullying.
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